
5 ways a DMS speeds up your workday.

In this blog, discover 5 concrete ways a document management system helps reduce daily digital stress among employees.

5 ways a DMS speeds up your workday.


Let me guess, you're here because you want to do away with that endless paperwork or impenetrable jungle of digital folder structures once and for all. Well, I have good news! In this blog, we will discuss 5 ways to use a document management system to ease your workday, reduce your digital stress and optimize the overall functioning of your organization towards a company that can face the future without worries.

But enough talk, let's discover together how we can make your workday a lot more relaxed.

60% of corporate data resides in different, non-centralized locations, which hinders data access and collaboration.

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1) Quick search & find

Metadata to the rescue!

Searching for the correct, latest version of documents in the many file folders is time-consuming and completely outdated. What's unique about the right document management systems is that it can give your documents smart tags, so you can find them later in an instant. 

These smart tags, called metadata, attach additional information to the DMS which creates multidimensional search dimensions. Simply proposed? You add extra information to your document, the DMS automatically stores it in the cloud, and when you need the document again later, a simple search term is all it takes for the document management system to instantly get you the right document via multidimensional search dimensions.

So forget the time wasting and frustration of flipping through folders. Rely on your new, intelligent friends to do the searching.

2) Automatic, infinite and structured storage

Work with your head in the clouds.

Manually sorting and organizing documents can be time-consuming. By using smart technology that automatically classifies documents based on metadata, see above, you can save a lot of time.

In addition to classifying with smart tags, a document management system also collects all data and documents in a central cloud structure. In addition to the benefits of infinite storage space, such a structure also provides the basis for many other benefits, which we will discuss in more detail below. For now, just remember: in the cloud is your treasure trove of corporate data:

3) The synergy of functional integration

Communicating vessels

The power of integration cannot be underestimated. Improving employee collaboration is, of course, of primary importance. An important aspect here is to integrate a document management system that can communicate and thus work seamlessly with other applications within your organization.

The reason? That way, data and documents are stored directly from the other applications in the same, central and cloud-driven database. After all, the digital company of the future works in a data-driven way , so it is very important to have a central database that collects information about all processes in order to be able to permanently optimize. In addition, this is also the way to retain ownership of your business data.

55% of employees feel uncomfortable using their current data analysis tools.

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4) Real-time collaboration

In search of balance

Collaborating with colleagues can be challenging. Especially when hybrid work environments, a plethora of emails with attachments and inefficient document management make sharing difficult.

A document management system must provide the ability for managers to easily assign access rights to authorized employees so that collaboration is secure, but also that documents are always quickly accessible when needed.

This balance, for faster and more secure collaboration, can only exist in with a functionally integrated DMS.

5) A more efficient workflow

Data-driven processes

An efficient DMS provides the ability to automate workflows. This means that routine tasks such as approval processes and document checks run faster. You can set up custom workflows that optimize and speed up your work process.

In addition, an advanced document management system provides valuable data and insights about the processes employees complete on an ongoing basis. By analyzing this data, a DMS can help identify bottlenecks in processes and provide insights for further optimization of workflows.

Again, it is thus an essential element to evolve into a data-driven, digital company that can respond to changing customer needs, technological innovations or market evolutions thanks to flexible processes.

Employees who are satisfied with their digital work environment are 21% more productive than those who are not.

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The bottom line? A document management system is not only a powerful document management tool, but it can have a significant impact on your day-to-day operations. It speeds up your work process, improves collaboration and provides peace of mind in terms of security and compliance. So if you are looking for ways to increase your productivity and speed up your workday, it is definitely worth considering.

Ready to accelerate your workday? Contact us for more information about our AI-enabled document management system Ishtar.DMS or book your free demo right away and find out how we can work together to future-proof your business.

Stay tuned.

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