Ishtar365 for Communication

Streamline internal and external communications, meeting schedules, feedback loops and knowledge sharing by digitizing
documents and workflows.

The perfect business communication starts with digital optimization.

For the communications department, Ishtar.Site, an intranet solution that is customizable and configurable, offers excellent opportunities to meet their specific needs. This platform can be used for internal communication, knowledge sharing, and promoting corporate culture.

Optimize every aspect

One platform to simplify communication.

Publish regular news stories and updates about the company to keep employees informed of important developments, milestones, and successes.

Use the platform to quickly share important announcements with the entire staff or specific groups of employees.

Encourage interaction and knowledge sharing among employees by setting up forums and discussion boards around specific topics or projects.

Use the intranet to put employees in the spotlight, for example by sharing successes or recognizing employees for their contributions.

Share a calendar of company events, trainings, and other important dates to make it easy for employees to stay informed and participate.

Provide channels for employees to provide feedback on various topics, such as work environment, company policies, and internal processes. This can help identify areas for improvement.

Conduct regular surveys and polls to gauge employee opinions on a variety of topics and engage them in decision-making processes.

Integrate easily

What makes Ishtar365 unique is the seamless integration into Microsoft's existing work environment as well as the functional compatibility of the various applications. A document added to a task in Ishtar.Tasks and linked to a project in Ishtar.Projectsis automatically stored in Ishtar.DMS. This ensures unparalleled efficiency and error-free document flow.

Optimize every business process.

Discover the full package of Ishtar365 and create the fully future-proof work environment that fulfills all your ambitions.

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