Ishtar365 for Legal

Simplify legal document management, compliance and organizational collaboration with Ishtar365.

The perfect Legal process starts with digital optimization.

By digitizing contract management, combined with project-based organization and efficient risk management. Through Ishtar.Projects and Ishtar.Tasks, the management of legal documents, compliance, and collaboration within the organization is significantly streamlined.

Optimize every aspect

One platform to simplify your Legal department.

Contract storage
Store all legal documents, including contracts, agreements and licenses, with easy access and metadata-based search features.

Version management and audtittrails
Track changes to legal documents for auditing and compliance purposes.

Management of legal affairs
Organize legal matters as projects, with tasks, deadlines and documentation linked to each case.

Facilitate collaboration within the legal team and with other departments for sharing documents and information.

Regulatory updates
Track changes in laws and regulations and assign tasks to implement needed changes in policies and procedures.

isco reviews
Manage risk assessment processes, including assigning tasks for preventing identified risks.

Integrate easily

What makes Ishtar365 unique is the seamless integration into Microsoft's existing work environment as well as the functional compatibility of the various applications. A document added to a task in Ishtar.Tasks and linked to a project in Ishtar.Projectsis automatically stored in Ishtar.DMS. This ensures unparalleled efficiency and error-free document flow.

Optimize every business process.

Discover the full package of Ishtar365 and create the fully future-proof work environment that fulfills all your ambitions.

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