Ishtar365 for IT

The Ishtar suite addresses accessibility, management, compliance and integration issues with advanced document, project, and task management solutions, including security and user experience enhancements.

The perfect IT structure starts with digital optimization.

Making managing documents, projects, and tasks more efficient by replacing traditional folders with a metadata-driven system in Ishtar.DMS and improving workflow with Ishtar.Projects and Ishtar.Tasks. 

Addressing compliance, security challenges, and the need for integrated data access and reporting is solved with Ishtar365, Azure Active Directory, Power BI, and API integrations, while communication and information dissemination to customers and employees is optimized through Ishtar.Site and Ishtar.Portal.

Optimize each link

One platform to simplify your IT

For managing documents, using metadata instead of traditional folders, making files easier to find.

Team collaboration
Use Microsoft Teams for communication and collaboration around projects, tasks and documents.

Ishtar.Projects Integration
Manage IT projects from planning to execution, including workload and resource management.

Ishtar.Tasks for IT Worklfow
Deploy to manage daily tasks, IT ticketing system and assign tasks to team members.

Data Governance
Using Ishtar365 to implement policies and processes around data security and compliance, especially important within the GDPR context.

Access Management and Security
Integrate with Azure Active Directory for advanced user and access management.

Connect to other business systems and applications to provide seamless data flow and functionality between systems.

Power BI
Integration for creating dashboards and reports, as all data is available on the proprietary Dataverse.

External Portal and Intranet

Utilize Isthar.Site (intranet) and Ishtar.Portal (extranet) to build information portals for both customers and employees, improve communication and access to information.

Integrate easily

What makes Ishtar365 unique is the seamless integration into Microsoft's existing work environment as well as the functional compatibility of the various applications. A document added to a task in Ishtar.Tasks and linked to a project in Ishtar.Projectsis automatically stored in Ishtar.DMS. This ensures unparalleled efficiency and error-free document flow.

Optimize every business process.

Discover the full package of Ishtar365 and create the fully future-proof work environment that fulfills all your ambitions.

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