
The jungle of documents and folder structures is still very overwhelming at many companies, to the frustration and loss of time of many an employee. Learn how the right DMS platform provides digital comfort to all your stakeholders.

assign rights to metadata



What could your company accomplish, were it able to devote an additional 522 hours to core activities per year? 

After all, the statistic below is not out of the blue. Business Analyst Alexander Beyens draws up digital roadmaps for clients of companies of all sizes on a daily basis, and each time he notices how employees not only lose a lot of time searching for and storing documents, but also experience enormous stress from it.

In fact, the bulk of data within a company grows daily. Without a digital data storage system, a company can quickly lose control of its document flow. The growing popularity of convenient and efficient DMS platforms is therefore a logical consequence. In the blog below, we take a closer look at the power of efficient document management for businesses, both in terms of productivity and employee satisfaction. 

How did we end up here?

More and more companies are working paperless. The days of filing cabinets full of files and folders are now a thing of the past for many companies and organizations. Although. In times of hybrid work situations and sliding work schedules, many companies appear to be unprepared for the digital evolution of the future.

Those who worked with local computer systems are experiencing more and more problems. After all, how can employees work from home when necessary work materials are on a local server or gathering dust in file cabinets? The solution, you can feel us coming, is an appropriate document management system (DMS) . The key to carefree switching to digital convenience.

In times of hybrid work situations and sliding work schedules, many companies appear unprepared for the digital evolution of the future.


DMS, what is it?

A DMS or Document Management System manages all documents and information on one system in the cloud. That way, this data is accessible to the entire organization, in principle, from anywhere in the world. All documents from outdated folders on computers and filing cabinets, are now dusted off and stored digitally in one database. Every stakeholder has the correct, current and approved documents.

In fact, the bulk of data within a company grows daily. Without a digital data storage system, a company can quickly lose control of its document flow. The growing popularity of well-organized and efficient DMS platforms is therefore a logical consequence.

importance of granting rights
8 ways to streamline your data

The benefits of an efficient DMS.

  • One central source of information

    • A DMS manages, centralizes, structures and streamlines all of an organization's information. Data stays at your fingertips wherever the user is.
  • Simple search function

    • By attaching metadata to every file in the system, every stakeholder immediately finds what they need.
    • Metadata is information about information and thus efficiently classifies files according to different labels. Interesting concept right? Read more about it here!
  • Current versions

    • No doubt you've already experienced it: after several hours of toiling, you notice that you are not working in the correct or in an outdated version of a document. A DMS platform allows you to manage accesses, displaying only the most current version.
    • Reduce employee frustration, spend your time more efficiently and significantly reduce your storage space.
  • Status of the document

    • With a DMS you send documents to the right people and you give these people the possibility to link a certain status to each document.
    • This allows the recipient to immediately see whether a document is under development, awaiting approval or final.
    • This system also makes it easy to establish a workflow. Everyone knows when to perform an action, making collaboration efficient and easy.
  • Advanced search function

    • The goal of a DMS is for every employee to be able to find the right documentation in max. 2 clicks to perform their tasks as efficiently as possible.
    • Without a DMS, searching for a specific document or file is a time-consuming and intensive activity.
  • Permission management

    • DMS also allows you to assign rights to different users. You choose who can do what: modify, consult, approve. You do that by determining authorization.
  • For all file types

    • PDF, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, CAD, video, emails ... you name it, a DMS manages it! Ideal to closely monitor the version management or follow-up of a project.
  • Integration with other applications

    • Almost any Document Management System you can integrate with other applications such as ERP, HRM, CRM or an accounting package. You enter data in one place and the other applications take over the information. Talk about efficient data management.

Reduce employee frustration, spend your time more efficiently and reduce your storage space significantly.


Stay tuned.

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