Ishtar365 for financial services

Discover the digital key to customer satisfaction and knowledge optimization.

Get the most out of your financial expertise.

In the financial services industry, complex regulations, confidential data and the need for efficient project and task management create challenges. Fortunately, there are plenty of innovations that ensure your company can serve every client at his or her beck and call with excellent financial services.

One of the biggest challenges is complex document management. Financial institutions manage an enormous amount of sensitive data about customers, transactions and corporate finances. In addition, complex, dependent tasks and regulations require automation and project management tools that streamline daily task coordination.

The digital answer to these challenges is waiting for you. A hint? The digitization and centralization of data, documents, processes and communication. This allows for a data-driven response to market trends and customer needs every time.

Towards financial management excellence

Project Management

Streamlined projects

Managing projects for clients runs much more smoothly with a project management tool integrated into the digital work environment. This way, information about projects is collected in a central overview, monitored and adjustments can be made immediately where necessary. Carefree management of projects is the key to customer confidence and internal satisfaction.

Task Management

Optimal task allocation

Task-oriented process classification is the ideal way for financial institutions to automate and improve the organization and execution of daily tasks. After all, this way of working leads to a more efficient workflow, quality service and increased customer satisfaction.

Document Management

Fast & smart cloud storage

Manage your documents efficiently with an integrated document management system. This ensures secure, structured and automated storage of documents in the cloud. The increased accessibility allows companies to make faster and smarter decisions. Data ownership allows them to permanently optimize processes.

Digital comfort

Happy stakeholders

Creating a digital work environment of user-friendly and data-driven tools reduces manual work or employee errors. Result? Internal stakeholders are satisfied and external stakeholders can count on reliable services.

Integrate easily

What makes Ishtar365 unique is the seamless integration into Microsoft's existing work environment as well as the functional compatibility of the various applications. A document added to a task in Ishtar.Tasks and linked to a project in Ishtar.Projectsis automatically stored in Ishtar.DMS. This ensures unparalleled efficiency and error-free document flow.

Optimize every business process.

Discover the full package of Ishtar365 and create the fully future-proof work environment that fulfills all your ambitions.

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