Ishtar365 for professional services

Couple boundless efficiency with customer focus with Ishtar365

Customer loyalty starts with optimal service.

Although one can distinguish many different types of work fields under professional services, all actors in this sector experience more or less the same challenges. Monitoring client portfolios and associated projects, managing the pile of documentation involved, and completing assignments timely and tailored to the client's needs.

Thus, central to project and client management, operational efficiency and managing diverse projects with varying requirements and deadlines is essential to client satisfaction. Digital tools that work together compatibly provide the solution to track schedules and tasks as accurately as possible.

Hence, a digital platform where data is centralized, tasks automated and communication occurs in real time, is the recipe for customer excellence and provides opportunities to always be flexible to new customer needs or market evolutions.

Serve customers how they want

Project Management

Project coordination

A digital workspace is used to manage client projects. This provides a clear overview of all projects, deadlines and parties involved, contributing to efficient project execution. Also, companies in the industry experience an improvement in the management of customer projects, leading to efficiency and increased customer satisfaction.

Task Management

Efficient workflows

Thanks to the division of projects into task-oriented objectives, professional service providers improve their internal workflow. By linking time tracking and resource management to these tasks, each project stays within its predetermined scope. The automation of dependent tasks also ensures quality service delivery.

Document Management

Data-driven decisions

An advanced document management system provides structured storage and quick access to important project data, process data and confidential documents. Thus, the implementation of this application results in increased quality assurance and speed of execution.

Digital comfort

Happy stakeholders

Creating a digital work environment of user-friendly and data-driven tools reduces manual work or employee errors. Result? Internal stakeholders are satisfied and external stakeholders can count on reliable services.

Integrate easily

What makes Ishtar365 unique is the seamless integration into Microsoft's existing work environment as well as the functional compatibility of the various applications. A document added to a task in Ishtar.Tasks and linked to a project in Ishtar.Projectsis automatically stored in Ishtar.DMS. This ensures unparalleled efficiency and error-free document flow.

Optimize every business process.

Discover the full package of Ishtar365 and create the fully future-proof work environment that fulfills all your ambitions.

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